The DNA and Natural Algorithms Group

is sponsored by...

First and foremost, Caltech: the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering;
the graduate options in Computer Science, Bioengineering, and Computation & Neural Systems;
the Information Science and Technology (IST) Centers for Biological Circuit Design (CBCD) and the Physics of Information (CPI);
the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Programmable Molecular Technology Initiative (PMTI);
the Carver Mead New Adventures Fund, and the J Yang & Family Foundartion.

Active federal and international grants to E. Winfree:

Expired federal grants to E. Winfree:

We once received funding from GenTel; we had relationships with Molecubotics, a visionary but struggling Bay Area start-up; and we also interacted with Nanorex, the developers of Nanoengineer.

You might notice that our lab no longer takes funding from military agencies. This was a conscious decision, made as my DARPA and ONR grants from 2001 were expiring. My thinking about this is somewhat similar to, but not identical to, Ben Kuiper's reasons and Eric Klavins' reasons. (His position has evolved: part I, part II.) One thing to note is that NSF, FENA, and NASA all interact with military funding agencies, and often funding programs involve joint efforts -- so what difference does it make? Read Ben's essay. For me, there is no question that it feels different, and recognizing and acting on that feeling is important to me.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this web site ( are the opinions of some, all, or none of the members of the DNA Group, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, DARPA, FENA, GenTel, Molecubotics, Nanorex, the Evans Foundation for Molecular Medicine, or other members of the DNA Group.

Erik Winfree, last updated 7/13/2022